Hithfaereth is Sindarin for Myst Spirit.
This gown is mostly inspired by Elfish style garments. I wanted to make a gown that was flowy and had wide sleeves. Also I wanted to use the beautiful leather I bought at the Utrecht fabric market years ago.
The corset is our favourite Morgana style corset, but this time in a large size. The best thing about this style of corsetry, is that the straps allow you to have quite a deep neckline while making sure that the strap might cover any boob fold. After all if you lift your boobage, it has to go somewhere, and not all styles of corsetry allow you to cover the fold between the boob towards your arm. This corset takes care of that wonderfully. (as do the Vixen style and Vampire Corsets btw)
The back runs quite low, again making sure that the side and the strap cover any overspill.
The skirt and detachable sleeves are made from a lovely flowy fabric, in an amazing colour that works so well with this corset. It creates a soft and flowing gown that has a light feel to it. Combined with the tough leather corset it makes a gown fit for a highborn elf.
Someday I would love to do a little shoot in this outfit. For now here are some pictures of the corset on a dummy.

If you would like to order your own custom creation, please contact me. You can use the contact form under about, or send me an email.